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Eagle Elementary Ribbon Cutting to Dedicate New Playground

The Eagle Elementary PTE held a Ribbon Cutting on Tuesday, August 4th to dedicate the new playground.

Several people were in attendance to help celebrate this great event.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!


Michelle St. Clair stood in as Master of Ceremonies


 Kyle McGinn a representative of Senator Ben Nelsons office read a letter from the Senator.


Bill Heimann, Superintendant for School District 145


Colleen Nielsen, Co-President of Eagle PTE last year along with Lori Lowry (not shown)


Claire Westerholt, 2nd grader at Eagle Elementary had a speach prepared.


Dotty Heusman, Principal at Eagle Elementary


Sara Martin, Playground Committee Chair


Sara called up members of the PTE to recognize them for their efforts in the new playground.


Maddie Retzlaff and Claire Westerholt at the top of the playground to cut the ribbon up there!












Eagle Elementary Back to School Bash

Eagle Elementary PTE held the Back to School Bash tonight following the Ribbon Cutting for the school playground.  The kids had a great time dancing, doing the Macarana and other games.

I didn't even have to cook!  There were meals ready to go after we shopped for back to school supplies.  We are now ready for school to start!

 The PTE did  a fabulous job of putting together a great environment for shopping, eating, checking out the new safari shirts and having an overall fun time!


Summer Vacation

Well we went ahead and tried to fit a quick summer vacation in between everything else going on this summer.  My Uncle and Aunt live in Wisconsin close to the Dells.  We drove there in one day, hurried and had fun for the next and three and drove home day five!  When I say we hurried up and had fun, I mean it.  We shoved as much fun in 3 days that we possibly could.  It was not a relaxing vacation by any sense of the word but the kids all had a ton of fun and we had a good visit with family we don't get to see enough.  I won't bore you all with too many family pictures but here are a few that I thought were fun.



Most of the people I surround myself with are others that volunteer like myself.  It's a small group but one that's gets things done.  The problem is that these same people volunteer for everything.  After awhile these same people get burnt out.  We have such a great giving community full of people in the same situation as most of us.  I have to think that most of these people would also volunteer to help out if given the right opportunity to sign up or reach out.  There are so many things to help with I hope that I can start some kind of list or blog on our website.  You could see what kind of events are coming up with the church's, schools, community, ect. and then sign up for what you would be able to help out with.  If more people would just sign up for one thing here and there it would take the burden off the few that step up for everything.  I don't want to stay up on this soap box too much longer and hope that everyone reading this takes it for what I am intending it for.